Feeling Feisty: Mars in Cancer

Mars into Cancer/Cycle 4

After a long, protracted period of thinking, bickering, arguing, fighting in our own heads, battling with the contents of other people’s minds and mouths (along with going back and forth over an issue, burning out our brain-batteries) [during Mars’ mental ping-pong through Gemini], we now move into a period where actions are dictated largely by how we feel, not think. Emotions do stem from the thoughts we entertain, it’s true, but now we really choose to act only when we feel moved to, regardless of logic or reason. Moods can flare up (Mars anger and angst) during this protective & defensive, (and at times passive-aggressive) passage.

We are as likely to fight WITH those we hold dear, as we are to fight FOR them. This is the alignment of things heating up at home: from burning dinner, to noisy DIY projects, from emotional venting, to spending more time making a nest & home or focusing on the family.

As Cancer rules history, Mars annoyances can be traced back to family patterns (even ancestral angst from way back when) or unresolved past issues that still trigger us. What we NEED becomes a hot topic, and whether we are able to provide for ourselves or have to depend (possibly resentfully) on another, could color us blue or seeing red. Denying how we feel or what we need, is a recipe for an inevitable emotional explosion.

We must realize now, that we are upset because we care. We are angry because we care. We feel slighted because we feel someone else DOESN’T seem to care. Where feelings are hurt, is a place where we are still in need of simple,, tender, loving care. And thought we may not find a guarantee of receiving this, honoring our feelings (no matter what they are) is perhaps the first to step to giving ourselves what we really require the most - someone to simply hear our heart which is act of caring how we feel (without the need to justify, explain or be guilt tripped) and with solid support and nurturing (like any good Mom) carry ourselves back to a place of comfort, security and safety. One feeling and need at a time.

If you find yourself in emotional quicksand, try the HALT method: Ask yourself:

Am I Hungry? Angry? Lonely? Tired?

Two physical states (hungry/tired) and two emotional states (angry/lonely). A balance between taking care of yourself physically and emotionally. Focus on Fulfilling Basic Needs. Emotional storms are likely to pass faster, once we do.

So, perhaps a good home cooked meal and a full belly is another good place to start. An old favorite comfort food never fails- Grilled cheese and tomato soup? Hugs really work wonders at lowering stress hormones, give them to receive them. We need more of them now. Just remember to set a kitchen timer, and be sure to double check the batteries in your smoke alarms…


#marscancer #cycle4 #marsgemini

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