Life after death

As a Scorpio Riser, I learned many moons ago that I should expect to live through many “scorpionic” life passages. Reading about them is one thing but living through them is quite another. Our Rising Sign colors the terrain we will traverse - much like the light filtered through stained glass windows. I’ve been pretty lucky so far, compared to experiences many others have lived through. Scorpionic and Plutonian placements can lead us through some of the most grueling or cruel and painful passages that connect us with Those and That which dwells in shadow.

Recently, I was asked to help out my ex whose grandmother was home with failing health. In the few nights I was there (not surprisingly with a Scorpio Sun-Saturn soul and and another Scorpio Riser), i would sit and hold her hand, feed her water when she needed, and play her relaxing music. and it was on the third night that she half-opened her eyes, looked at me as I held her hand and stroked her forehead while telling her to relax, that she passed.

I have never been present for a death. My brother David died after only a few months on the planet and although we never met, I carry his name as my middle name and use his initial to honor his memory in my work and writings. A close friend of mine was murdered in High School and I was asked by her mom to read her favorite childhood story at the funeral, standing feet away from her coffin. I saw a man punched in the street yards from me one night in Los Angeles (while walking with a Scorpio Sun/North Noder) and not long after, watched as paramedics tried to resuscitate him (learning later that he didn’t make it), but this was the first time I held someone’s actual hand during one of life’s most important transitions - from here to the ‘other side’.

I was informed when I arrived, by the on-call nurse who visited daily, that she was “transitioning”. There are literal steps the body will take to shut down in preparation for death - and that just as our bodies are designed to live we are also designed to die, with in-built mechanisms that we can literally checklist and expect to see and experience as someone nears their time of departure.

I share this post as a bright message to everyone because of what happened days later, when I was back in the city.

I was catching up on much needed sleep after getting little during those rough nights. I had a dream in which I was hanging out once more with my Nana and Grandad, who passed many years back in England. I haven’t dreamt of them in a long time. And when I woke my mind once more turned to my ex’s grandmother.

Looking down where I lay I found a silver piece of foil, from some chocolate I had eaten before I slept …and I was stunned by what I saw.

I’m attaching the photo of the untouched piece of foil which has in no way been enhanced, edited or digitally altered. In the hopes that it touches you as it did me.

Perhaps this was a message from the other side for I think it looks remarkably like an angel, don’t you?

Neil D Paris