Further Musings on Saturn in Pisces

Giving Saturn shape to Pisces water, is as simple as pouring it into a glass. It is thus contained, taking on the exact shape of any receptacle it finds itself in; restricted from flowing free. Pisces energy works the same way, shapeshifting like a chameleon, seemingly changing form depending on its surroundings. Saturn in Pisces reminds me of the dam built to hold back bodies of water, the sandbags that protect homes from floods, the bartender who refuses another drink to those who have had one too many, and the black box warnings on potentially dangerous medications. Since the human body is comprised of so much water, will Saturn transiting the Neptune-ruled sign of H2O have a physical effect on our bodies?

Lack is a distinctly Saturn vibe. So a “lack of water” could mean a restriction of tears, the body’s natural outpouring of emotion. It could also suggest a dire need to hydrate. Perhaps we have to work to feel again, after disassociation and the depleting and draining effects of life’s shifting sands and the burn out of global PTSD?

We can already see the prevalent issue of a lack of water in various parts of the world, whilst in other regions there are Saturnian problems involving too much water and the need for Saturn restriction the antithesis of Jupiter expansion, the preceding planet.  Where Jupiter desires more, Saturn understands that less is more; the concept of quality over quantity.

Too much of the sign Saturn is in, is always a problem. Not enough, too. That is the Great Work of our Saturn sign.

In Pisces , we soberly face the full range of human emotion - are we ruled by our feelings or shutting down our empathy and connection to our humanity? Pisces’ thin veil between self and other, object and observer makes for keen intuitive insight and empathic understanding which aids in bonding and healing - but if taken to extremes, dissolving and merging with that which is harmful, soon turns the healer into the hurt.

Pisces is oceanic awareness of our Oneness but just as a nurse cannot lie down in the bed and suffer alongside the patient or a lifeguard drown alongside the one they set out to rescue, we must remain separate enough to be of service. and self-focus can be hard for a sign and energy that is by nature, self-sacrificing.

Perhaps our sacrifices must now be metered, our giving given some structure. Like the specifically-timed yoga class or meditation, parameters allow for the free floating Pisces energy to work its magic, within Saturnian structure. The addict must still put in the Saturn work to obtain their drug. And there is greater sweetness for any treat, after the hard stuff has been handled.

Pisces, as the last step on the zodiac wheel, represents the great unknown - that state before incarnation, and whatever it is we are absorbed into again, after this physical life. Pisces is formless, non-physical, it exists ethereally - in a feeling, a mood.

Saturn demands embodiment, and manifestation, a fleshing out of something that before was just a good idea, unclothed and without a body.

Despite how “new age” it sounds; this really is an aspect where dreams can come true. Bring Pisces imagination to the Saturn work table and with time (a saturn concept) and commitment (another saturn virtue) something both tangible and magical is made.

Saturn, naturally rules the solar 10th and it’s no surprise that Neptune (Pisces’ ruling planet) was found in the 10th of Walt Disney’s chart - a man who envisioned an entire make-believe world - compete with a FantasyLand and fairytale castle - and actually built it.

We can’t let our imaginations run away with us. It’s easy to slip into paranoia and delusion, believing things that could be true, simply because the possibility exists or ‘feels possible’. Saturn in Pisces demands we keep a harness anchored to reality, while venturing down any rabbit holes. Scattering crumbs is unreliable when rain and flood could so easily wash the trail away.

If we woke up tomorrow with No Water, from ruptured pipes to drought, we would soon experience a level playing field with others in equal distress and need. Water is a basic human necessity, the human body bejng made up or around 70% of it. Saturn in Pisces can so easily plunge us into the deep end, and demand we sink or swim or else find a way to float until we learn to surf any crazy waves sent out way. When there is no solid rock to grab onto, we have to pave our own way back to the safety of the shore.

Let’s not forget that Pisces water comes in many forms - hail, snow, ice, steam. Saturn in Pisces can also suggest the frigid freezing of our feelings, those treacherous icebergs, the sharp shards of an icy stalactite from above (“tights” come DOWN, “mites” fly UP).

Building a solid rapport and connection to our intuition is recommended during this planetary passage. It can be done a number of ways. Pick an object - a feather, perhaps. Something unique and special. Each time you see a feather (or desired object), take a moment to listen within, for any feeling or instinct. Then continue on. The act of stopping and ‘listening’ is distinctly Piscean. Sometimes the messages are obvious, but at other times they come quietly from within, easily missed if we don’t pause and open up our awareness.

When we create a dream diary (or even carry an ideas book, something I have done often as a writer) our unconscious is aware and is happy to send many ideas and inspirations our way. We create the vessel (Saturn) for the visions to gather (Pisces). Like Disneyland, if you build it, they will come.

Anytime we are quiet and observe, turn within and listen, without expectation, pressure, or control, we allow space for something to slip in - a message from somewhere beyond our conscious awareness. This is where intuitive insight, and psychic downloads are to be found, along with divinely inspired ideas.

Saturn is reality-based, but Pisces is not. Together we find a sobering yet unbeatable combination in manifesting magic and miracles, downloading dreams.

Saturn takes time to master. There will be days when we face Pisces-overwhelm - we feel lost, confused, drained, victimized. And there will be days when we lack much needed Pisces energy - greater acceptance, compassion and empathy, more sensitivity and the ability to tune into sources of invisible inspiration, to remain open to cosmic coincidence, spiritual synchronicity and envisioning desired results and possibilities.

On some days, we will feel too much, whilst at other times we may feel a numb nothingness and anhedonia. Pisces is the last mutable sign of duality, of two fish tethered, facing opposite directions speaking of contradictions and different sides of the coin.

Saturn demands we work at Pisces energy - to forgive, to selflessly serve, to act from a place of understanding that We Are One. Everything else is illusion and those clinging to ego separation and lower level division will be the Pisces fish heading down the drain to sewer-sludge instead of the one headed towards the crystal clear corals of the wider ocean.

Maybe we will put the natural power of water (Pisces) to work (Saturn) during this time, something so vast yet not fully tapped into, at a time when energy resources are being quickly exhausted.

Whether we share in each other’s tears of grief or joy, this period will remind us just how interconnected we really are behind and beyond the illusion of separateness through the Pisces waters of Oneness.