Pleasure & Plenty: Jupiter Cycle 2

[May 16 2023 - May 25 2024]

I’m glad Jupiter didn’t spend too long in Aries, during its recent passage (Dec 20 ‘22 - May 16 ‘23) - not least of all since I feel this planet has seen enough Aries-Mars-Cycle 1 heat and aggression, don’t you?

The cooling, soothing, natural rhythms of earthbound Taurus (Cycle 2; the first Earth cycle) are just what we need now, and even more so, because that’s where the North Node of Destiny currently resides. I can’t think of anything more beautiful or plentiful than a Jupiter-North Node conjunction - when the expansive and benevolent energies of generosity and gratitude meets the growth oriented and gainfully inspired north node - in Taurus - the sign of Nature, of the Land, of sensual delights, satisfaction and satiation! The picture is of full bellies and happy grins: Hobbits enjoying the simple pleasures of the Shire. If you’re interested - this conjunction takes place on Jun 1, 2023.

It may not suddenly put food on all our tables or bring a bountiful harvest to one and all, but we would be wise to welcome its benefits and blessings all the same - with a hearty gratitude for that which we do have and that which is already working. If energy goes where attention flows, Jupiter is sure to bring us more of that which we celebrate. Where gratitude flows, more good is sure to follow. and those with a full heart never seem to be left wanting, for long.  My mother, born with a Taurus North Node, was once told a long time ago by a ‘fortune teller’, that she would “want for nothing”, this lifetime. After Scorpionic darkness and loss, (South Node in Scorpio for us all) life offers the potential for goodness and gain. Riches and wealth come in many forms, which those with this placement are well aware of.

May this alignment remind us all, of where our true wealth currently lies.

Folk attuned to Taurus are our planetary shamans, nature’s homeopaths and herbalists, natural artists who are attuned to the frequency and fertility of Earth. Those who remind us of its gifts, so freely given.

Jupiter always points to where growth is found, where opportunities lie in wait and where our “Good Fortune” shines down on us - placing us in the right place at the right time, every time.

In Taurus, joy is found in the simple, the natural; byproducts of listening to the animal within.

Delighting the senses with certain sounds, smells, sights and sensations. A hug heals. A massage matters. Touch soothes and grounds, builds immunity and bonds those who share in its safe space.

My own Taurus Jupiter helped me bring a bunch of sleeping rose bushes back to full bloom, at a place I stayed, after the fire of ‘13. I have relished my time in kitchens over the years, and still devour satisfying episodes from my favorite Taurus-types: the Two Fat Ladies. I found peace and profound pleasure learning to play the piano and apparently have a natural skill in intuitive massage, according to others who included a CMT with a Taurus-ruled neck knot.

I have always loved camping and spent many happy years enjoying outdoor mountain life - with its Christmas-scented pines, a roof of majestic redwoods, beautiful birdsong, soothing streams and many a misty midnight by a crackling fire.

Part of Jupiter’s “good luck” is found in the free flow of energy - what we give out, Invariably returns to us. Taurus deals with investments and deals,Financial flow and abundance. Generous Giving - of time, attention, energy, money, material gifts, physical aid, emotional support, a shoulder to cry on; a listening ear free of judgment - magnifies gifts for the giver and the receiver alike. When we give freely, we have no thought for quantity, for measuring amounts, for rationing out of necessity or practicality. There is always enough to go around, and so more does. In this natural state of ease (Linda Goodman once said the apple tree does not choose who is worthy of its fruit, it is simply its nature to freely give”) that energy is matched and drawn our way. As the God of Gambling, perhaps the more Jupiter energy and enthusiasm we muster, the Universe matches us and offers more? More energy is made available. Rewards magnify. Uplifting occurs for both parties, and Abundance shines.

Jupiter is the karmic gift that keeps giving, free of any thought of return.

The gift is in the giving itself, as anyone attuned to Jupiter-Santa Claus has felt over Christmas, seeing the joy on the face of a child unwrapping the simplest of presents, or the feeling of satisfaction for those who provide a meal or place at the table, during Thanksgiving (another Jupiterian feast) or at any time, and felt in the hearts of volunteers feeding the homeless and clothing the cold - or those who come to the aid of a wild animal in distress.

Offer a genuine compliment to someone this week and see how it makes You, yourself, feel.

Another part of Jupiter “good luck” is said to lie in our Faith wherever it is found - our actual belief in fortune faciiates its free flow. In Taurus/Cycle 2 - a belief that we deserve goodness, that we are worthy of receiving good, and that we have the talents/skills/resources to sustain ourselves; like farmers with fresh land and a handful of seeds.

I can think of no better example of Jupiter in Taurus than how some libraries (Jupiter) are now offering free seeds (Taurus) you check out, just like a book. Check it out.

Whether “bigger money” means a continued increase in prices or simply newly released, physically larger currency, remains to be seen. Jupiter expands where it is found, for better or worse. I say you’d be a fool to pass a wishing well in the next year, without tossing in a penny (note to British readers: ‘spending a penny’, not recommended].

Jupiter in Taurus can be found in some House(s)/Cycle(s) in all our charts, and it is here we may seek and find its fruits.

Planets in Scorpio learn that too much of something can unwisely lead to a necessary supersized dose of its opposite, to compensate and balance.

Planets in Leo and Aquarius must learn when to give and receive, without undue force. Taurus offers new growth even to those fixed in their ways.

Jupiter in Taurus is wealth immeasurable or perhaps by only one thing - a contented, peaceful and satisfying feeling of rightness.

It can come in a moment - a random act of kindness or a chance good deed as a Good Samaritan, helping where able - or in a daily state of thankfulness, not delaying gratification with a striving hunger and indefinite wanting of that which we do not have,  but wanting and enjoying and appreciating fully what we Do. I may so effortlessly have the very thing you covet, and you may inadvertently find ease in an area that doesn’t come easy to me at all.

The grass isn’t greener when Jupiter is in Taurus, it’s simply for us to discover and enjoy the shade of our own green and to realize it looks good on us.

Jupiter in Taurus doesn’t teach the hard lesson of “you only know what you’ve got when it’s gone”, although that’s one way its wisdom is imparted. It offers a deeper, longer lasting and fulfilling enjoyment - minutes spent slowing down to ‘smell the roses’ that become days, that turn into weeks and months, and years enjoying the passage of time; aging like fine wine - moments that weren’t missed in the chase or haste, but squeezed like lemons and limes in summer, for their very last drop of goodness available - ensuring that we have no regrets and a fully stocked cellar of stored memories, like carefully preserved jams and pickled pleasures, to last us even longer.

Jupiter in Taurus Celebs:

Robert Pattinson - the sultry vampire learning (Jupiter) to resist his hunger for human feast (Taurus) and Roald Dahl, who tickled our Taurus taste buds with the tale of a boy who wins a golden ticket (Jupiter) to a chocolate factory (Taurus) where nearly everything (Jupiter) is edible (Taurus).

Keanu Reeves  - who discovered the unlimited potential (Jupiter) within the human body (Taurus) in The Matrix and Bruce Lee who also learned (Jupiter) to really bust brilliant martial arts moves (Taurus)

Benedict Kumberpatch who, as Smaug, the dragon, used a mountain (Jupiter) of gold (Taurus) as a bed and Sarah Jessica Parker [plus Kristen Davis; Charlotte] as Sex and the City’s Samantha, who could never have enough (Jupiter) Jimmy Choi shoes (Taurus).

Adele/Michael Bolton/Shakira whose vocals (Taurus) made them millions (Taurus), including Janet Jackson who broke through (Jupiter) salary ceilings (Taurus) for an entire generation of entertainers.

Director Guillermo del Toro (toro meaning Bull), known for his “exuberant (Jupiter) visuals” (Taurus) and use of “Associative Colors” (used to evoke specific feelings).

John Lennon who imagined a Jupiter world of Taurus Peace.