Natural v Artificial: Jupiter square Pluto

May 17, Jupiter/2 squares Pluto/11:

Large payouts for certain sectors of society (and/or price hikes), greed and financial corruption exposed and dealt with, exposure of market manipulation, major lawsuits involving Top Names, disadvantaged suddenly on top, bribery and those who can and can’t be bought, nature flourishes in places of prior devastation, increase in food cost creates social unrest, reshaped land mass after radical weather patterns, proliferation of home growing/community gardens out of necessity, big tech purchases and far reaching new laws; the buying up of vast farmland but for what purpose?, major spurt in genetically modified foods, digital currency and changes in cash, fertile soils for growth despite efforts to pollute, swift and sweeping change/progress despite wealthy special interests attempting to maintain the status-quo, stubborn stand-offs between the rich and the powerful, price surges for certain technologies, more tactile Virtual Reality, attempts at integration between body and machine, conflict between Natural v Synthetic & Artificial.