Expect a Miracle: Jupiter-Neptune in Pisces/Cycle 12

[Peaks April 12, 2022.

Jupiter shifts into Cycle 1 on May 10 but these themes will continue rippling throughout this year.

October 27, Jupiter retrogrades back into Cycle 12 and then forward into Cycle 1 again, Dec 20.]


An influx of water. Jupiter is the “more” principle, so this can lead to flooding, burst dams or pipes, swelling rivers or torrential downpours. Likely, it’s water we need - but sometimes, Jupiter is too much of a good thing. More tears? Of sadness and joy.

We could all do with Hydrating more - we are, after all, mostly water. Taking showers or baths soothes, during stressful times. A distinct LACK of water can also be attributed to this conjunction, leading to the revelation (and thus respect) of the true significance and importance of all bodies of water and the basic human need for a clean supply. When we pollute the waters, we are all in trouble.

The feet

You’d be surprised how helpful it is during this period to massage your feet (ruled over by Pisces/Cycle 12). Try some reflexology on your feet to restore calm, relieve anxiety, release tension and aid your circulation. When I was younger, sitting on the edge of the bath and bathing my feet in warm water before bed, helped me sleep. 

Addictions & escapism

We will learn a lot about these themes as they too become more pronounced. The development of Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality, is exponential and many will seek a way out of this world, in the search for other dimensions and depths of experience. 

Drugs can fuel more delusion, disconnection and deaths now. Problems with prescription medication and newly-created street drugs could fuel an even greater increase in misuse, abuse or overdose.  Suicide would be the ultimate escape and this too shall become a key topic for broader discussion ahead.

Addictions of all kinds affect each one us all, at this time as a collective fog descends on humanity and the desire to drift into altered states, intensifies. Whatever we do, seek out or reach for to take the edge off, to numb out, to shift our mental or emotional state, to relieve pressure and stress, deny current realities and feelings or to avoid dealing with things - can easily hook us at this time.

What will be our personal “escape of choice”?

No one is immune. As pressures mount and human evolution speeds up, this alignment reflects the human desire and need to seek new spiritual solutions or else physical escape. Finding time to sit with no-thought, just observing, experiencing, ‘Being’ will prove a challenge and yet an exquisitely helpful tool in the times ahead.

How much time are we spending unplugged, unhooked, unfocused?

“Doing nothing” may actually prove a very productive use of time, if we can avoid the lure of drifting and daydreaming our way off-course.

Allow for imaginative brainstorming, but set limits, boundaries, deadlines & reminders.

Inspired imagination 

Ideas dreamt up at this time are divinely inspired and guided, fantastical, whimsical, magickal. More adventure and fantasy movies, more alternate realms, the idea of parallel universes and time travel etc are hot concepts once more.

Whatever we believe in, can grow even more real and potentially manifest - so be aware of what you really do believe deep down and bring these to conscious awareness. Be open to new and updated insight. Intuition and psychic awareness is going to explode on the planet. But so too will:


The likelihood of Massive Fraud and Widespread Deception is raised significantly. I’d be surprised if we don’t hear another great whopper around this time. But will we know? You really do have to reality-check and fact-check. This can be a very treacherous and tricky alignment. Even if it sounds true or looks real it could still be just a very clever magician’s trick. Illusions increase in their ingenuity.

Psychic awareness 

Meditation will be promoted and taught more widely; people will see this as a more beneficial ‘escape’ or recharge. Disconnecting from technology and the onslaught of news telling us what “may” happen and how we “should” feel and what we “should” do or think about it all.  

 Dream symbolism, ESP, telepathy, empathic skills, intuitive foresight - those who see, really See now. Psychic skills grow for those who leave room for their development. More people will awaken within the dream whilst those with the wool firmly over their eyes, will continue believing the lie and refuse to wake up. 

Cosmic Consciousness

The idea that WE ARE ONE will gain momentum as people globally realize that every event, affects us all. One way or other. Every choice and action, belief and thought has an imprint and leaves its mark. Grief unites. Charitable care and concern increases. The ego crumbles when faced with events and experiences that defy rational thought or reasoning and transcend logical analysis. Miracles happen under these skies. Brilliant and beautiful big moments (as well as quiet synchronicity, ‘coincidence’ and line-ups) that remind us that there is more going on than meets the eye and a cosmic order exists, behind the apparent chaos. 

Spiritual Assistance

Ask and you shall receive the help from the unseen dimensions - that, it’s been said, will not get involved in free-will human life unless asked or invited to. Say a little prayer. Believe in the possibility of what you ask for. Be the one who seeks spiritual solutions for physical problems.

Ask for help and Help Will Come. Just not, perhaps from whom and where you would expect it. 

Jupiter meeting Neptune in Cycle 12 asks us to once again believe in a magick greater than the madness. This would be the time, as astrologer Linda Goodman often said, to

Expect a Miracle.