The magic of Jupiter-Neptune in Pisces

The concept of the LABYRINTH returned to me, while working on the Jupiter -Neptune conjunction. Symbols speak to us more, under this alignment. Or perhaps we are more open (Jupiter) to receiving their spiritual significance (Neptune). I think it’s both. You don’t need to look for ‘signs’ and ‘messages’ now, simply be open to the miraculous behind the mundane. Could that cricket in the kitchen sink have a spiritual significance? 

Throughout my life, a spider would always descend right in front of me on its thread, prior to an impending move. Sometimes I only realized in hindsight but the spider (perhaps as the industrious home-builder) always heralded an upcoming uprooting. Or… that I simply needed to dust. It happened enough times that I could accurately predict a move, even ones I didn’t ‘believe’ possible, ones that that came unexpectedly and unavoidably.

Look again at simple, every day events with new eyes.  All is not as it appears. 

Carl Jung (who used astrology in his practice) had a Jupiter-Neptune opposition and explored (Jup) consciousness & archetypes (Nep); a perfect reflection of astrology’s “opposition” manifesting in our relationships - one part ‘projected’ out so that we may wrestle with its other sides. If you have oppositions in your chart, you are reclaiming what you have disowned and casting others as co-stars to balance the equation by playing your opposing side. 

A labyrinth isn’t constructed as a place to get lost in. Unlike a maze, the labyrinth has only a single, non-branching path, which leads to the center.

There’s a cool, free app that you can trace your finger over to “walk the labyrinth”. It is said to calm the mind and bring solutions to problems that vex it. 

When viewed from above, many labyrinths actually resemble the human brain. 

According to Irish folk-belief,

“fairies and other supernatural beings [Neptune] can cause someone to lose [Neptune] their bearings [Jupiter] but it is when the voyagers [Jupiter] have lost their course and shipped their oars – when they are not going anywhere [Neptune] – that they arrive in the wondrous isles.”

[Alwyn Rees and Brinley Rees – Celtic Heritage: Ancient Tradition in Ireland and Wales (346)]

Maybe the secret magick contained in the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, is found through the same meandering. That we may arrive somewhere enchanting, through no conscious effort or awareness - but rather are ‘led’ to it. 

Synchronistically, Jennifer Connelly - from the LABYRINTH movie, about a quest  (Jupiter) to reclaim her stolen (Neptune) brother - was herself born under a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (Cycles 8 & 9). 

The actor Martin Freeman, who portrayed Bilbo Baggins the Hobbit [who went on a journey (Jupiter) & stumbled across a magic (Neptune) ring] was born under a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction (Cycle 9 travel; Cycle 8 perils & other peoples money). The Hobbit’s author, J R R Tolkien had a Jupiter-Neptune square. 

Elon Musk, the co-founder of Paypal and founder of SpaceX also has the conjunction in Cycles 8; other people’s money & Cycle 9; distant voyages.

These lives are lived on grand canvases. And so, all lives lived under these skies (as we are now) have a certain “special something” to them. An extra magical quality, for those open to it.

Michael Jackson and Madonna share a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction and both became “symbols” and ‘icons’ who mesmerized (Neptune) the masses (Jupiter). Pablo Picasso had Jupiter & Neptune both in Cycle 2 (aesthetics, ownership, tangible beauty, finance) and died extraordinarily wealthy at 91: created thousands of paintings, had five properties, large savings account with gold & bonds among other assets. 

Marilyn Monroe had both planets in alluring opposition and became the projection screen for others’ fantasies. Her entire persona was designed and marketed; a studio exec even creating her name. 

In many ways, Jupiter-Neptune is the mechanism behind creating realities, shapeshifting substances, glamor spells, downloading symbols, ideas and archetypes.

Both are co-rulers of Pisces & Cycle 12, so this is an exceptional period to live through. If you can Dream it, you can Conceive it. It used to sound cheesy, but the cosmic ingredients are gathering to open a door for much to manifest. 

 This is a spellbinding, hypnotizing planetary alignment [cue Bette Midler’s “I Put a Spell on You”: she was born with both planets in Libra (other people)]. I couldn’t help but think of the ‘grand canvas’ director Steven Spielberg and found he has a Jupiter-ruled Sun squaring hIs Neptune-ruled Pisces Midheaven (career).  

And one more: Gene Wilder who played the infamous Willie Wonka - offering lucky (Jupiter) tickets to his magical & mysterious (Neptune) factory, was himself a Jupiter-Neptune soul

I expect we will see some great (Jupiter) ships, cruises, submarines and other sea-faring vessels Neptune, lord of the Oceans) during this passage. Perhaps a more successful Titanic? Would you hope for a golden ticket for that? 

I, myself was born under a Neptune-ruled Sun squaring a Jupiter-ruled Moon and have been an actor, pianist, model, poet, creative writer, studied magic, learned the symbolic language of astrology and Tarot cards, traveled far and have a BA in Screenwriting for Film and Television: imagery weaves through my life. 

We all get to download symbols and cast our own spells now, under this magnificent alignment. 

Maybe when we feel lost, we can instead consider that we may actually be in the twisting turns of the labyrinth, not stuck in a endless maze - and that each turn leads us closer to the inevitable arrival at the spiritual center. 

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