⭐️ START HERE: Full In-Depth Reading with Neil

⭐️ START HERE: Full In-Depth Reading with Neil


One Reading lasts a lifetime (and beyond!)

A Full In-Depth Reading (90 minutes) of your Birth Chart. Audio recording provided.

This Reading packs Neil's 28 years of experience decoding the Birth Chart with intuitive insight and the ability to synthesize and translate his findings for both beginner and professional alike into a fun, richly informative and highly personalized and unique session specific to You. No one else shares your Chart, what it revealed is information for you and you alone.

You'll be taken on a personal Journey of your Life Story. Your Soul's History (including family dynamics, genetic material & past life patterns/gifts) your current frame of reference and your direction this lifetime. Ask personal questions and discover what your Birth Chart shows about your unique Life Path, Career/Finance Picture, Problem Areas, Relationship Needs and Patterns, Family Imprints, Health strengths and weaknesses, Future Choices, your greatest Challenges, Karmic Strengths & Gifts, Past Life Patterns, Your Soul Purpose and more!

To wrap up, Neil will also take a look at your Progressed Chart (how you have evolved to the current day) and Planetary Transits (timing and cycles) to give you a taste of things to come.

A firm foundation for all other Readings (future Readings are discounted for on-file clients).

After this, be sure to follow up with an hour (or half-hour) to dive into a TRANSIT READING - detailing the Cycles you currently find yourself in, what to expect & how to navigate them and your most important alignments ahead.

Knowledge is Power. You'll be amazed at what a stranger can tell you simply from your Birth Chart.

This is information that speaks to your Soul and the best readings are a cosmic confirmation of Who you are and Why you are the way you are, a reminder that events have a deeper meaning and some surprises to awaken you to your fullest potential and personal power.

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