The Pros of Conflict: Mars Cycle 7

[Aug 27-Oct 11]

Mars, planet of Do & Desire, isn’t thrilled here - in the sign/house/cycle opposite its comfort zone. Cycle 7 is all about shared, not solitary, self-focused goals and efforts. It’s about assertive confronting, not cooperative compromise - We, not Me.

Mars prefers to do as it pleases, when it pleases and how it pleases. It rules self-sufficient Aries and Cycle 1, for this reason.

At the midway point of the zodiac (aptly symbolized by the Scales) there’s a balancing of energies and gender in some form. Men with Mars in Libra often have a softer, feminine aspect to their physique, appearance or demeanor - a certain well-groomed fashionable style, gentle hands, pretty eyelashes, or graceful guile (Jeff Goldblum, Jimmy Fallon, Prince William).

Women with Mars in Libra seem to have a more masculine edge, broader shoulders perhaps, a take-charge approach, comfier in pants instead of skirts; there’s an unmistakable toughness to them (Judge Judy, Kris Jenner, Whoopi Goldberg).

It’s all part of that Yin-Yang Libra-balance thing. Mars doesn’t usually concern itself with such things, but here it has to. The drive is often for fairness - and Mars energy will gladly fight for rights and equality and stand up for the other party when need be, and can agree to disagree, at least. 

Conflict is hard to avoid though, as sooner or later, impatience and impertinence bubbles up because someone isn’t getting enough or giving enough. Manners are important here, but Mars is untamed. Seemingly calm and cool folks can flare up unexpectedly. Don’t assume you can judge someone’s true character until they are triggered - small dogs are usually the bravest with the loudest bark, and short people often earn their reputation of having a ‘big personality’, whilst imposing, towering giants are big softies. Not always. This isn’t a rule, simply an observation.

Legal matters are Cycle 7/Libra-based and Mars loves a fight, so litigation is common. Mediation is often needed in some form as this alignment usually brings two parties at odds and in need of a third to negotiate or be the buffer or go- between.

Triangulation is possible but a devil’s advocate, preferable.

The urge to find some sort of Balance or a happy medium, a middle ground of Nothing Too Much, is a worthy and noble quest, but Mars can overstep the mark and overshoot in its haste, eagerness and gusto - trampling over boundaries to try and force balance or agreement that can only found in more calm and measured ways.

If Libra is indecision due to weighing things up, Mars is the impatience to just get on with it, already.

Passive aggressiveness can result when someone stifles their true feelings, using insincerity to feign a smile or shared goal - etiquette that smacks of thinly veiled contempt. Micro-aggressions of various kinds and the well known southern  “Bless Your Heart” as a polite F.U  would be classically Libra Mars. Killing then with kindness works.

Relationships of all kinds, involve navigating each person’s individual wants and desires (Mars), but this can only be done when cards are put on the table, and requests (or demands) are made. Both parties must be heard (Cycle 7).

The squeaky wheel gets the oil but the ‘loud demander’ doesn’t always get served first. When people push now, others are liable to push back; an unexpected and unanticipated reaction that leads to stalemate, or violent showdowns.

How anger, frustration and delayed gratification  are being handled in any dynamic or duo will determine how peaceful or problematic things play out.

Do they have a beef with us or are we projecting and it’s actually a grudge we hold? Could that passing remark be a subtle put-down; that positivity a ‘front’, or are we misreading facial expressions and spotting aggressive vibes where none exist, like the RBF (Resting Bitch Face)?

I’ve often been asked if I am okay when I am just deep in thought, or whilst reading or writing. Scorpio Rising is co-ruled by Mars, same goes for Aries Rising folk. You can see Trump’s Mars Rising RBF in you see his mugshot. When I use my phone to note ideas, I am so speedy that it no doubt looks as though I am embroiled in a very intense text argument -  I have Mars in the 3rd of phones and communication.

If you know someone’s Mars sign, you know some of their key hot buttons, their general MO in life, how they get angry, how they’ll fight and even their sexual desires.

It’s a good time to reach out and connect and make the first move, with Mars in Cycle 7 and making the effort to hash out differences….but, a word of warning: as Mars moves into late Libra (late September), it has a meetup with the karmic South Node [thus opposing the Aries North Node of spiritual evolution, which it rules).

This equates to a revisiting of older battles, and past fights and the repeating or replaying of clashes, hopefully for a better resolution this time, and if not a full on win-win, a modified-tie instead. The way to find fulfillment now is to locate cooperative components- those who have what you like, and by finding a way to share energy: something for you, something for me. Transactional is not always a bad thing.

Mars rules inflammation, in health astrology: it’s all about heat: the spark of the starter pistol and the migraine from butting heads, being headstrong or rushing in head-first (Mars/Aries also rules the head).

Mars connects to weapons and war and in Cycle 7, marriage can turn into a minefield, partnerships problematic, teamwork require the drawing of firm lines and agreeing on rules. Getting along with anyone requires more skillful handling. Mars, when harnessed, forges fierce togetherness - I have your back, you have mine.  Mars can bring teams together, sturdy allies and confident comrades, willing to stand in our corner, or at least provide some sort of back up.

If Mars is a weapon, in Cycle 7 Libra, it’s ‘who we know’ that become our greatest defense, or greatest threat.

Not having each others’ backs can sometimes end in being stabbed in it, instead. Power in numbers is Mars in the Synergistic 7th so long as it doesn’t devolve into petty squabbling and working at cross purposes.

For now: maintain your manners, exercise etiquette, proceed politely yet firmly, decisively, leaving little room for mixed signals or misinterpretation. Don’t bother hinting or insinuating or assuming - make it clear where you stand. Can’t always be pretty, can’t please everyone but respect will be issued to those who show respect first by being above-board and open and BS-free, not demanding others play games, nor follow or submit to your preferences.

If we are not working together, we can end up at each others throats so it’s imperative to outline a shared goal, a common interest or the space where at least an agreement can be reached. If not, allies can turn arch-enemies, and civility tossed aside in the heat of an ego Mars-moment, shooting ourselves in the foot when the need to win the battle seems worth it at all costs, even if it means losing the war.

The Art of War nicely sums up Mars in Cycle 7 - “The Best Way to Win Is Not to Fight At All”.

Understanding that warfare is extremely risky, Sun Tzu proposes that the best tacticians are those who are able to defeat the enemy by diplomacy or other means.