Love’s Lion or Lyin’: Venus Retrograde in Leo [Cycle 5]

Venus retrograde Cycle 5 with Black Moon Lilith. [Jul 22 - Sep 3]

With Venus, ruler of the new South Node in Libra, now turning retrograde, the karmic implications are unmistakable - a leveling of scores, of imbalance and unfairness addressed, debts and old dramas revisited, repaid and retribution or retaliation, leading to the creation of new karmas.

A necessary look at the uglier parts of a relationship (and the people in it), and the secrets that slither silently in shadow - courtesy of the Black Moon Lilith.

The red flags missed through rose-colored glasses and the ones too glaring to miss, even with eyes sealed shut.

Crooked charisma and the dangers of flirting. The succubus sex demon - a female who appears in dreams to seduce men into giving his seed, and her male counterpart, the incubus.

The ‘hook of special treatment’ or attention; the good looks and charm of the vampire and psychopath - and when ego has hijacked the human vehicle and is the sole driver on a mission to self-satisfy at no expense (or even more gratifying - at others expense) we have the textbook Narcissist skilled with the Venus ability to play the lavish Leo game with style and sexy suave, captivating with a fake facade so convincing, Hollywood studios should hire it.

Getting lost in a role or being encouraged/persuaded/seduced into playing one for someone else.

The spotlight effect (the phenomenon where people tend to overestimate how much others notice aspects of one's appearance or behavior.)

Remembering (or pining over the absence of) the strongest feelings or romantic love we ever experienced, and the game of courtship: the sting of rejection, the addictive make-ups, the oxytocin orgasms, the Kings and Queens, Prince Charmings and Princesses we become - as well as those who didn’t get the love/respect/looks they deserved and who turns to the Dark Side. Every evil character feels slighted.

Dressing up is fun but Venus Retrograde is generally considered a weaker time to shop for anything beauty, fashion or accessories/decor related - as well as ‘shopping for a partner’, as meeting someone in this window of time is tempting fate to deliver not a Soul-Mate but a Karmic-Date. See Cycle 7, Surfing Your Solar Cycles for more on those.

The need for attention needs reexamining - is it fair, is it reciprocated, is it freely given, or withheld to manipulate? What are our basic love needs: enjoyment, appreciation, reinforcement, encouragement? Dating dealbreakers? Where does a displaced need for approval, adoration, applause lead us down a dark path of facades and fakery?

Narcissism is alluring, hypnotic, seductive in its defined display of utter assurance and justifiable entitlement. In a world rife with reasons to be uncertain and insecure, confidence is worshipped and Big Bold Personalities are entertaining and exciting.

Victims of narcissists (and some psychopaths) describe how dazzling it felt to be in such a strong spotlight; to be basking as the center of attention (albeit temporarily) and such a pursued objection of someone’s seemingly intense desire and affection.

To some prey, predators look desirable or at least the trappings they adorn themselves with, are (or appear benign). Or they are lured throughAggressive mimicry” like the Green-banded Broodsac which uses a lure not to get prey, but to get eaten. Once a snail has consumed it, it makes its way to the snail’s eyestalks turning it into a ‘disco zombie’ - the eyes pulsate with bright red, yellow, and green, resembling a caterpillar. The snail is manipulated go out in the sun (something they normally dislike) where they will be eaten by birds - and the whole cycle starts over again.

What is offered or given freely, and what seems alluring and appetizing and attracts us, especially during this time, may have a much higher and hidden cost.

Before you invest, INVESTIGATE.

True partnership or alliance cannot fully be achieved with false fronts leading to a disappointing delivery.

So, cosmic surgery is best delayed. New wigs or wallpaper. Window shop styles and search for new stores. Compare and Contrast - but perhaps Wait to Commit?

We may need to “date ourselves” again. How can we show ourselves a good time? A ‘reacquainting with ourselves’, helps us determine what we actually have to give, and what we like/want/need.

Finding new sexual pleasures or partners or a newfound enjoyment of sexy time with a significant other is a worthy pursuit - the old “don’t knock it, til you try it”.

If you want it (Venus) you can’t be too shy (retrograde) about putting it out there, or asking for it. Maybe your wants have changed.

Revisiting how we love, who we love and how we feel loved by someone. Looking back at past creations - or putting the finishing touches to them. Redesigning the look or style.

Love can make us feel like movie stars, porn stars, models, desirable leading men and women.

Beauty and Attraction can conceal and camouflage - the wolf dressed like grandma (who had a hairy lip, I guess, so it was harder to differentiate), the painted on clown smile or catfish profile. The paradise of Eden had an enticing snake and a beautifully ripe apple.

Evil is usually packaged in quite beautiful packaging, and bad intentions wrapped in helpful hues.

On the extreme end, the subject of human trafficking is making the headlines, in particular the selling (Venus) and exploitation (Black Moon Lilith) of children (Leo).

We also have the contract (Venus) renegotiations in Hollywood (Leo) revealing the shady underbelly (Black Moon Lilith) of the industry-beast.

On a lighter note, this is a time of fairytale love, romantic reverie (and reversals), first sight flutters and last suppers, reigniting inner creative sparks and artistic expression, mythical passion, star-crossed lovers with a sense of destiny…or soap opera and reality TV drama kings and queens.

Or, of simply realizing where our pursuit of pleasure is causing us pain. and what we want and crave that just isn’t satisfying enough.

We love as we would like to be loved, and our Venus sign shows what brand of love that is.

Venus in Leo ruling the south node is a reminder that, whilst it can make us better lovers and artists and creators and parents, personal pride can rob us of that which we so carelessly covet.