Libra/Cycle 7 Solar Eclipse:

Remembering whom and what we still love.

Reigniting flames? We have grown and evolved. It’s okay to look back, with new eyes and hindsight. What is active in our frequency? Who matches it? Who are we holding close to our heart and who is kept prisoner there, behind the bars of our rib cage?

To replay or rewrite is not always a bad thing. Second chances are found here. Brief encounters, ships passing in the night can now pass once again, only this time in broad daylight. 

Chiron opposes the eclipse: old triggers, unresolved or unhealed, unclaimed treasure within perceived baggage.

Inflammatory old wars and incendiary old scores are obvious and very evident, with Mars moving past the south node.

The eclipse here also now dredges up even more of these karmic chains of pain but also those alliances forged in pleasure - and those formed during times of turbulence or trauma. The tides of time separated us, but now sweep us back together. Those meant to meet, will.

Cycle 7 solar eclipses help us figure out who is with us for a reason, a season or for a lifetime. 

Strong connections continue - soul mate or karmic date? Mergers and divorces on various cellular levels.  Paying off of spiritual debt. ‘You helped me, then I’ll aid you now.’  Perhaps you owe me for what you did back then.

We may not even remember, but the spiritual scales will be balanced, eventually. Therefore the theme of past grievances AND gratitude are prevalent.

Venus (eclipse ruler) sextile Vesta: An opportunity to fan the flame or to keep it  burning bright, even if it’s dwindled to an ember. One spark can start a blaze, one person can affect billions. 

Venus opposing Saturn: echoes the karmic theme: lessons of proper partnership, relationship rules, greater cosmic and spiritual laws - as well as legal, agreements and contracts. 

An eclipse in Libra, the Scales can be likened to a Tug-of-war, a see-saw, tennis match, chess game or boxing ring.

Mercury opposing Chiron R

is a minefield - fraught with triggers. Can we really be heard by those who feel slighted by us? Probably not.  Can we fully listen to another if we harbor ill will. Are my insecurities your problem? How much is my personal pain messing up our shared space?

Negotiations are hard, knee-jerk reactions are temptingly easy; we can pretend we are playing fair but are we really willing to meet in the middle? How can scores be settled? Sometimes communication breakdowns abound, we stop talking or listening. “Ghosting” may remove the person, but residue reverberates. We tend to blame more readily now, or face the finger of fault ourselves. Sometimes we are trying to wound with what we say, aiming for weak spots and gleefully burning bridges. Our weaknesses could be turned into over-compensatory ammo.

Oftentimes under this alignment, when we try and share, we don’t feel we are being heard or listened to, or understood or that the other is even trying to or wants to. Sometimes that’s exactly at play, but projection surely plays a role, under the opposition. Fearing ridicule, shame or rejection it’s easier to clam up and dish out our own dismissal or discarding.  Or when others try to engage us, we are too busy listening to our own inner or outer voice, and its concerns and wants and miseries, to even be present for authentic dialogue and sharing the table. Maybe we feel others aren’t interested, so why should we be? 

Pluto still squaring the eclipse axis, in the final degrees of Capricorn speaks to the necessary breaking down of systems and structures of power, authority and rules that do not serve synergy. New lines may need to be drawn in the sand. Cracks show where reinforcement or bulldozing is required. Fall or stand taller? We are forced to reach agreements or part ways.

 All interactions either chain us to further pain, or build unbreakable bonds to draw strength from.

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