Emotional Eruptions: Full Moon Cycle 3

Wednesday’s Full Moon in Cycle 3 is of particular note since it’s exactly conjunct Mars Retrograde. As Volcanos are simultaneously spewing, humans could equally explode under this Moon. Don’t let your ego embroil you in unnecessary drama by being baited into battle. Silence may be smarter than inflamed reactions leading to later regret. This is a very “hot” and incendiary moon, where emotions can be explosive and actions impulsive, leading to an increase in fights, speeding, general impatience and recklessness, and thus is associated with accidents.

If you do need to stand up for yourself however, this Moon offers the necessary fuel to ignite your strengths and reserves of energy & bravery.

Those throwing the first punch or kickstarting any war under Mars Retrograde have traditionally lost, and since this Moon is slap-bang on top of Retro Mars, you don’t want to be the initiator of conflict.

Expect to see headlines of people ‘talking smack’, gossip and verbal jousting over social media (and in person) that fast gets out of hand. On the more serious side - explosions, fire, traffic accidents, online bullying, outbursts of violence, aggression and attacks are all under Mars domain in Cycle 3/Gemini, but so too (since it’s retrograde) are cases of inverted and internally-directed anger - heightened depression, repressed rage, self-harm and suicide.

People are either taking their frustrations out on others or themselves.

The best way to soothe a savage Mars is to avoid engaging in conflicts altogether, if you can help it. Venus as the antidote (ruling Libra, the sign opposing Mars-ruled Aries) is calm and cool, concerned with comfort, relaxing and releasing tension, choosing love and peace over brawls and war. Seduction would actually get you further than outright offense. Fleeing scenes of mounting tension is wise. Nothing wrong with letting words bounce off you and ignoring others haste and irritation. Not always easy but this week, try and practice a refusal to be upset. Unplugging from heated exchanges and choosing to not respond, gives things a chance to cool down and people to cool off.

When commuting, you want to pay attention on the road (Cycle 3), as this is the type of Moon clearly spells Road Rage and you’re more likely to see someone blazing through a red light or causing collisions on the freeway. Don’t dare text while driving - wise words on any days but this week you’re inviting trouble. Same goes for pedestrians, you need your eyes and ears now so don’t get distracted or sidetracked; avoid wearing headphones or getting glued to the phone in public, so you can pay attention and stay sharp. Quick reflexes may be called for.

Forewarned is forewarned, not to spark fear but to help you protect and defend yourself from unnecessary problems and avoid the uglier aspects of this intense and volatile week.