What Must Go: (Pluto square Eclipse)

The Aries Solar Eclipse was squared by Pluto in Aquarius: something has to give, or we have to give something away; to offload something, before we can freely move ahead and claim the new beginning that awaits our arrival.

You may have to be ruthless and kill something off. You may not have much of a choice but to leave something, someone or some way of living and being, behind.

Unburdening Ourselves ultimately feels so good, but try telling that to a child with a baby tooth that’s juuuuust about ready to fall out - but not quite ! - still hanging by a stubborn root-thread. And god forbid you try and tell that to a hoarder - the result is similar for most humans facing necessary purges - resistance, refusals & retaliation.

Pluto in Aquarius is a call to, piece by piece, free ourselves.

Sometimes by accepting enforced losses, amidst major personal/societal shifts we can’t help being swept up in. Sometimes, in suddenly changing the script one day, the ‘I’ve had enough’ proverbial final straw, rebelling against the status-quo or our conditioning, in radically alternate reactions to events playing on repeat-mode and those simple acts of defiance - refusing to give up a bus seat in Alabama, standing in front of a tank in Tiananmen Square - that detonates the Plutonian power, unleashing sweeping changes on an immense and immeasurable scale.

Pluto, as Lord of the Underworld was also the Ruler of Buried Treasure, for that is where the gold and jewels were found.

We are social transformers offering outages of complacency & compliance. “Many hands make light work” but so too can the collective hand turn the lights off, if they so choose. The People (Aquarius) hold the Power (Pluto). This period is about the daily choosing of where, in our own lives, we will be different and defiant, unburdening ourselves of that which limits and confines, makes us shrink or cower, and dismantling (by disconnecting, and in doing so, defusing) any forces that inspire depression, oppression, suppression and repression of freedom and equality for all inhabitants of Planet Earth - and hopefully, in turn, the rest of the Galactic Family we have yet to meet.
