Neil D Paris

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The Taurus/Cycle 2 Lunar Eclipse

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Releasing the unwanted or unnecessary from what we have accumulated - as collectors or hoarders.

Conserving resources, and self-esteem by no longer depleting ourselves with Unwise investments of time, energy, money etc. 

Eclipse ruler Venus in Virgo echoes themes of simplifying, stripping down to essentials, and trimming the fat (physically, financially, energetically and so on). 

If Taurus rules ownership, the lunar eclipse reveals the resources we have to give - our time, energy, money etc and what we HAVE TO give AWAY. 

 Perhaps we are tapped out and need to refill and replenish our provisions. Maybe we are holding on too tightly - to things we no longer prize or value, or to skills we aren’t fully engaging and leveraging. 

Is it Worth it?

If Taurus is where we build wealth and a sense of worth within, the lunar eclipse is a call to release anything that or robs us of it, or lessens us - from feelings of unworthiness or unlovability, to judgmental thoughts of apparent lack (security, stability, prosperity, desirability). Whatever cheats us out of the peace and tranquility we deserve, is to be rooted out and expunged. Could we be stealing from ourselves? 

Perhaps we have been leaking assets, wasting funds & over-spending (Jupiter conjunct the Eclipse). The Scorpio Sun opposing the Taurus Moon governs the principles of purge and gorge - has greed or weakened self-esteem left us chasing Venus sweetness in other ways? 

Gains and losses. Discovering inner bounty, sometimes during times of major turbulence. Insecurity often leads to the development of a new sense of security - stronger, not reliant on physical or outer rocks we used to cling to, or hide under. 

The sweet stuff

The Taurus Moon can be likened to a blood sugar check, with necessary adjusting (Venus in Virgo) to cut out excesses, curb appetites (Jupiter opposing Mercury/Mars) and to reinstate the simple, sustaining pleasures that can be found anywhere; regardless of location or means. 

There’s a theme of ‘cleaning things up’ at play here - sorting through stuff, weighing it up in our personal scales of worth. We are separating or dividing things - what is yours, what is theirs, what is ours  (Scorpio stellium opposing Eclipse). What stays and what must go? What needs careful preservation and what has remained way past its helpful us,  or natural or healthy expiration date? 

The Taurus Lunar Eclipse is a wake-up call for the hoarder within us all - who grabs what it can get, and holds onto it tightly. Has what began as ‘collecting’ become a compulsive act of acquisition? (Jupiter in Taurusconjunct Eclipse). It’s easy to forget or lose things in messy piles. Just think how many storage lockers are out there stuffed full, and the mounting costs accrued. 

The Animal Within

Our senses are heightened and our inner animal urges and instincts are evoked, under a lunar eclipse in the sign of the Bull. Our connection to our body is fully felt: (dis)comfort, (mal)contentment/ (un)gratefulness. It’s good to think like an animal under Taurus eclipses - stretch like a cat, sit under a tree like the Bull, take a walk like the dog. Disdain and disappointment can give way to illuminating enjoyment and appreciation, when we come back into our bodies. 

Our hungers are likely to grow accordingly, perhaps to aid in this grounding, but gluttonous greed and too much of anything leads to Scorpionic repulsion and expulsion. This is a time of satisfying simplicity and rewards for tasks accomplished and work well done, than from a sense of natural entitlement and greed without limit. 

Venus is sextile Uranus R, facilitating this theme of freedom from over-indulgence. When we feel secure and comfortable in ourselves, we actually need very little.

Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.

~ Epictetus

Powerful feelings, urges, needs and hungers at this time could simply be addictions, obsessions or compulsions in disguise. 

Inner or Outer Security?

The loss of money, of a cherished item, or any perceived separation from that which we love, want or enjoy, evokes a sense of insecurity and instability - throwing us back onto other internal resources since external rocks we clung to, leaned on or expected to be there to provide us with reassuring anchoring, are no longer reliable or available. 

The Taurus lunar eclipse may well suggest we hold on to what others would take, to refuse to give up what we have grown or built or attained. It all depends on how much we value and prize it. 

   Not everything should be relinquished during a detox period. Drink too much water and you risk flushing out necessary nutrients. 

This eclipse can be about finding new security and sources of strength and consistency, amidst ongoing change, loss, destruction (Mars Scorpio). Taurus is the seed-planter, ever growing and farming and making things fertile.  
We may be robbing ourselves in ways we never realized - giving to others but not allowing ourselves to accept or be on the receiving end, perhaps, or not investing in ourselves with the same care and concern. 

Familiar Comforts & Stagnancy

Taurus resists change, unless it s the slow and steady seasons of natural growth and decay and renewal.  Uranus in Taurus has already given us the training to no longer rely on traditional or expected and familiar cycles. We are in uncharted territory - which means forgotten truth and undiscovered treasure is out there, (Jupiter R conjunction) just waiting to be remembered and claimed.