Neil D Paris

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Putin, Pluto & Power

There’s much debate on the accuracy of the birth data but this is what’s been offered up for Vladimir Putin’s Chart - so forward your complaints to his people, so he can get us an updated one, if need be. In this chart, anyway, my eyes were drawn to what I am sure most astrologers will also see - Scorpio Rising (the classic ‘poker face’) ruled by Pluto (the nuclear power planet of total and irrevocable change and transformation), sitting (if his given birth time is correct) at the very top of his chart, in Cycle 10 the Midheaven (reputation, career, legacy) - in Leo, the proud, powerful, regal and dominating Lion. The symbol of strength and blue blood.

Power, Control, Attention, Admiration and the need for compliance.

Martha Stewart is a Scorpio Riser with a Leo Sun up there at the top, and most have heard how (allegedly) difficult she was to work with or ‘get involved with’ (ruthlessly ambitious, stealing boyfriends, delighting in pushing fully-clothed people into swimming pools ‘simply for the fun of it’, according to some close sources).

Leo-Scorpio is never “just for fun”: it’s the conflicted combo of standing in the Sun of that spotlight whilst slithering in the shadows, simultaneously. “Look at me! Stop staring at me!” However the Sun is as far as you can get from underworld Pluto. And the kitchen counter, a far cry from nuclear power plants.

To add to the dark side of Putin’s Leo-Scorpio signature, Black Moon Lilith is conjunct Pluto. This is the raw, primal untamed part of our nature, our primary fear and our darker aspects that, if remain unintegrated, unaware and unchecked, threaten to destroy us.

Since Pluto is generational (Putin was born in 1952) he is the living embodiment, I believe, of the Pluto in Leo generation’s ultimate fear: - losing control, not being noticed or special, of fading significance or failing relevance, of not being respected and admired and treated the way they “should” and ultimately feel entitled to be, by birthright. Leo energy is the King or Queen of their domain.

Beyoncé, who voiced Nala in The Lion King,reportedly outsang the other vocalists so much so, that some were renaming it The Lion Queen. Her moniker, by the way is Queen B and yes, she’s also Scorpio Rising - with her North Node of Destiny right there at the top of her chart at 0 degrees Leo - conjunct masculine and motivational Mars.

As I say in the preface to Surfing Your Solar Cycles, Leo teaches us that “we are defined by the Light we shine, or the Shadow we cast when we don’t”.

No doubt Putin feels he is extinguishing the very same corrupt conflagration of regimes and authority that he himself will inevitably be remembered as embodying. Cleansing the Ukraine of Nazis? Hitler himself had Saturn in Leo at the top of the chart, conjunct a Leo Midheaven.

A classic case of projection, realized and reflected in the oppositions currently at play. Astrology’s oppositions always play out within our relationships - those around us whom we pull (and push) into and out of our orbit to help us wrestle and reconcile seemingly disparate dimensions within us. But all oppositions are, in the end, merely two sides of the same coin.

Astrologers don’t “make things fit” as some may say, we merely read the writing on the wall, of the Chart, which anyone can decipher if they took the time to learn the language. We are merely the messengers. Prediction can be tricky as there are a myriad of manifestations possible but sometimes the signs and symbols line up so perfectly it looks from the outside like we are simply building narratives too simplistic and obvious, like a paint-by-numbers Hollywood screenplay. But the Chart does not lie. It is what it is. Our job is merely to interpret and translate what is written within.

Putin’s progressed midheaven shifted signs - a significant point in time suggesting ‘a change in direction and destination’, reflected in career transformations and shifts in status. It entered Scorpio in April 2021. It will conjunct his Ascendant/Cycle 1 (again if the birth time is correct) by mid April 2024, if he makes it to that point. As you may already know from my book, the prior Cycle 12 can be the dissolving and dissolution of whatever is passing through, in this case his direction and desired destination (Midheaven).

While the Sun (ego) was moving though Cycle 4 (home, homeland, real estate and ‘where we live’), he initiated his invasion of the Ukraine. Jupiter, planet of expansion and growth (or greed), also in the 4th. Traditionally interpreted as “An expansion of home”. For some, an addition/extension/more space, taking home on the road, a move to a more spacey place - or a grab for more land.

His progressed Mars (our evolving desire, motivation, assertions & aggressions) is exactly on his North Node currently (our evolutionary True North, as it were). In Aquarius, this is society, community, brotherhood and sisterhood. Humanity. Liberation.

As March ends, transiting Mars - the ruler of War - meets his Progressed Mars marking another very significant time. Things “line up” for him, for better or worse. Planets on our North Node can suggest energies we are pulling towards ourselves (as opposed to the South Node; the disposing or dissemination thereof). In which case aggression and violence (Mars) targeted directly at him. In his 3rd, this could be verbal threats or his own words come back to bite him. Mental anger is the fuel. A major headache is the fallout. Actual physical wounds are common. And since Mars rules his 6th of health, there’s even a high chance that illness leaves it’s mark. Mars rules cuts, bangs, bruises, burns, weapons of war, inflammation and it’s stimulation of his nervous system (Aquarius) suggests possible over-amping: a stroke, the electrical zap, frying of circuits or a sudden outage/burnout.

In April, Saturn the karmic taskmaster moves to oppose his Pluto/Black Moon Lilith combo, mentioned earlier. When Saturn opposed Pluto in the outer world, Putin became President of Russia. There are many examples of falls from graces that coincide too, with this alignment and yes, war, is also featured quite heavily on the manifestation menu. If Saturn is content with Putin’s Plutonic & Leonian Lesson, he will transform and evolve. If not, Saturn restriction becomes a prison and annihilation or a major Fall, a given. You don’t mess with Saturn and Pluto (these two were conjunct at the onset of the Covid Chapter and their storyline continues to unfold. They were opposed on 9/11 when the Twin Towers fell. Saturn was in Gemini, the Twins - at that time. .

In my January 2020 article (entitled The Pluto Lord of the Saturn Rings) I gave a short description of this period (2020-2022):

“Walls and statues will crumble, some fall. Or boundaries reinforced to stand solid and tall. Systems and symbols polluted by power will grow monstrous, before purged, in the final hour.”

With Saturn in Aquarius, community and humanity are targets for his Plutonian wrath, but it works in reverse also. Community and Humanity facing off against the darkness of Underhanded Underworld activity and their agents. Oppositions are equal, after all.

Jeffrey Wolf Green, who became known as the “Pluto astrologer” (his books focus specifically on this planet) was born with Career-Saturn conjunct Pluto - and yes, in Leo.

The Leo illumination of the Pluto Shadows within our psyche.

If Pluto is a secret, searing pain and a dark and deep desire to wrestle with that demon, Pluto in the 10th would suggest a soul memory of Utter Powerlessness - or Power Absolute. Wielded against the individual or by the individual. On his karmic south node of past life patterns, this seems to be a replay of these very same themes, with the evolutionary aspiration for a different ending. The rage of someone violated by a parental tyrant, perhaps. Or a government that was meant to protect but failed. Or the draconic dictator returning for another feast or simply vitriolic vengeance for a personal vendetta.

In his 4th, Saturn now demands that home and hearth be secured. No doubt the citizens of Russia will be subjected to further restrictions and Saturn sanctions as he likely turns against even his own “family” and homeland. And that would be a grave and very possible mistake. Pluto at the top of the Chart can forget there is always someone higher up and always one with a greater advantage or vantage point, strategic position, more evil intentions, or cravings for power. Putin is only one step away from anyone with the desire to remove him from the chain of command, for their own agenda. Whom to trust? Does suspicion help? What if this leads him to ignore wise council that would aid his agenda? In short, he stands within a karmic shitstorm.

Pluto rules energies that humans are moved by, akin to demonic possession. We don’t so much wield Plutonian power as we are moved by it. Some energies must play out for some larger purpose, like the Dragons of old, that torched towns until a weakness was found, exploited and they perished. What meaning and larger design can be gleaned from standing in the burning ashes of what has been destroyed, is impossible to see. The volcanic ash that blots out the Sun, kills crops and wipes away life then becomes the revitalizing soil for new growth. But tell that to the family ripped apart; lives and homes lost.

For those who worry about the future of this situation, remember that Putin’s South Node (past lives) is also in Leo and wrapped up with the Black Moon Lilith. This karmic replay of his soul’s past contains an in-built blind spot, the south-node trap we inevitably fall into if we make it the sole focus of this life. Being “King” worked for Elvis for a time (South Node Leo) but even he “fell”. Putin may inadvertently and unwittingly unite communities (Aquarius North Node) by sowing seeds of division. Double Mars lining up on his North Node of Humanity, “could” trigger Global War. Putin “could” be overthrown or annihilated. But equally it “could” bring together many factions that were once kept apart. Even the shadow plays its part. Evil is always a free-will option on the planet; that’s part of the deal we signed up for - but oftentimes, ends up unwittingly serving the Light. Duality is home to paradox. We are becoming more aware than ever before, more awake to the cogs that move the machinery of this world and the corruption within those in positions of power, who now so blatantly wave banners to their Beast.

By seeing the darkness, we cannot help but shine light on it. And that is the only way to ever chase the shadows away. They find new forms and ways to hide, for the duality dance continues but the more we deny or repress our own personal demons and darkness, our own cravings for corruption and control, the sickness of harboring secrets. our Machiavellian manipulation and mind games, the darker desire for dominance, passion perverted, the opposing will to live - “evil” the very word spun in rebellious and resistant reverse - the more we feed that collective beast and the shadow grows.

The Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy has his share of Leo energy - his Moon and sturdy Saturn. His Aries South Node suggests a soul history in combat (with ruler Mars at 0 Leo). A formidable foe, carrying the markings of someone who in prior lives was driven by the need for the same Leo drive to shine, to rule, to stand in the spotlight. He used to be an actor (common with Leo Moons, suggesting a lineage or entertainers, aristocracy and VIPs). Perhaps these two were pitted against each other once before and are karmically pulled back to settle old scores. His Pluto? In Libra. The fear of relationships and alliances that are imbalanced, unequal, abusive and toxic. In the 5th (the Leo House). A need to balance the score, level the playing field, for Justice. And for glory. But not above using underhanded tactics themselves, to get their way.

Putin’s Saturn sits just one degree from Zelenskyy’s Pluto, a conjunction between the two planetary heavyweights we have been talking about, since 2020. 

Putin, as an embodiment of the Leo Pluto generation in it’s later stage of life, is a message to not only those of his generation: to check their egos at the door before their soul leaves this mortal coil - and realizes the foolish illusions it so coveted - but for us all to accept our true, inherent powers as Conscious Creators and to check where we are still letting Fear overshadow us.